Jakarta (Indotelko) - The Taxation Directorate General has formed a team to study the tax implementation on internet-based business (e-commerce). They meet some obstacles, especially because they have no standard formula to calculate an appropriate rate for each transaction.
According Taxation Director General, Fuad Rahmany, they should have access to see the real traffic of financial transaction from online business. It means, they first should know how is the process of online transaction, start from how much they pay for what kind of product, how the transfered the money, and how they protect theirself from fraud," Fuad said.
In the trade-law which has been legalized last month, Indonesia has recognized legitimacy of online business as part of real economic activity. Every institutions that runs ecommerce will also be registered as a legal entity. It means, every buying and selling goods over internet should be taxed.
Despite trying to take revenue from online business, Fuad admitted he don't want to be in rush to decide amount of ecommerce tax. He said, until now, his department still gathering data and input from every related institution, including information communication and technology (ICT) expert. In an expectation, all institutions and entities will be agreed about e-commerce tax rate.
"We not able to decide it now. It takes time. Even US also overwhelmed regarding ecommerce tax. We also need some experts, including from our side, tax accountant," Fuad added.
That is why, directorate general not able to give any guarantee for ecommerce tax can be implemented on 2015. Eventhough they are trying hard to implement this regulation next year because it can be used to monitor online business in Indonesia and to give protection to consumer.
"In Indonesia, e-commerce is starting to grow but with so many potential crime and fraud. That is why online transaction volume is slightly slowed down now," Fuad said. (ct)