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Government still finalizing the National Cyber Agency establishment

10:02:53 | 05 Jul 2016
Government still finalizing the National Cyber Agency establishment
Ilustrasi (dok)
JAKARTA (IndoTelko) - The government continues to finalize the establishment of the National Cyber Agency (BCN) to give an optimum operation on their duties.

"One of the finalized matters is the business processes that will be run by the Agency that needs to be enhanced to facilitate coordination with other ministries or agencies," said the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rudiantara recently.

The business enhancement process includes on how to regulate the Agency in the governance context, under the authority of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Yuddy Chrisnandi which targeted to be completed on July 11, 2016.

Minister Rudiantara said that the Agency is not necessarily a special organization that is really new, but it can empower institutions that already exist today. "Regardless of what form of organization, business process standardization is needed especially for sectors that we consider a priority," he said.

The three priority sectors that require special attention related to the national cyber security namely finance / banking, transportation, and energy and mineral resources. The Ministry along with regulators and other parties involved in finance / banking has discussed the standardization of security that is more focused on protection.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation along with the airline and the Institute of Air Navigation Services Operator Indonesia (AirNav) will discuss cyber security for air transport.

Earlier, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said that the establishment of the National Cyber Agency will enter the final stage or the finalization on June 27, 2016.

The National Strategic Installations Board of the Ministry of Defence, Bainstranas, will be transformed into the Intelligence Defense Agency.

Bainstranas is one work unit in the Ministry of Defense that was established in 2014 will be transformed into the intelligence services to draw up a comprehensive defense strategy and applied as required in the field. Bainstranas headquartered in the Indonesian Peace and Security Center (IPSC) in Sentul, Bogor, West Java.

Bainstranas establishment was rooted in Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 80 Year 2014 on the Sixth Amendment to Presidential Regulation No. 24 of 2010 concerning Position, Duties and Functions of the Ministry of State and Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions of the Echelon I of the State Ministries.

Bainstranas functions as listed in Article 140B of the Presidential Regulation, namely preparing technical policies, plans and programs and national strategic installation area management; implement a national strategic area management installations; monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of the national strategic area management installations; and the administration of the National Strategic Installations Board.

There are seven strategic installations that are under the Bainstranas. The seven installations are the Standby Forces, National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Indonesia Defense University (IDU), the Centre for Peacekeeping Missions (PMPP), Language Center, and the Center for Military Sports.(es)

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